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Boost Your Metabolism


Metabolism is a process when the chemical reactions in the human body are closely involved in preserving and constructing the human cells (in their living state) and the organism. You can divide metabolism into two sections: 

  • Anabolism – The cells require a mixture of all compounds.
  • Catabolism – Used to get energy from breaking down the molecules. 

The body’s metabolic rate is carefully related to the nutrients given to the body. The term bioenergetics explains the process of biochemical and metabolic pathways through which the energy reaches the cell. The formation of energy is one of the many essential processes of metabolism. Factors like age, sex, and body size can cause variations in the resting metabolic rate, the number of calories, or the energy units that a human burns by being alive. This article will list all possible methods for increasing and maintaining the human metabolism. 

Methods to Increase Metabolism

Consuming Protein in Every Meal

The human body tends to burn more calories while digesting protein compared to digesting fat and carbohydrates. As a suggestion for a well-balanced diet, replace some of the carbohydrates with lean protein-rich food. It will boost the metabolism during mealtime. Some of the fantastic proteins are turkey, beef, white meat, fish, chicken, nuts, tofu, eggs, beans, and some low-fat dairy products.  

Drink Water

Our bodies require water for processing calories. If our body is even slightly dehydrated, the metabolism might slow down. A researcher showed adults who drink about eight or more glasses of water every day burned higher calories than those who had about four glasses of water. To keep yourself hydrated, drink at least one full water glass before all of your meals and snacks. Remember to eat vegetables and fruits as snacks that naturally contain water instead of consuming unhealthy chips. 

High-Intensity Workout

Performing some aerobic exercises might not help you build strong and sturdy muscles. However, it may help increase your metabolism hours after your workout. The vital step to increasing your resting metabolic rate is to encourage yourself. It is proven that performing some high-intensity workout will help you increase your metabolism quickly in comparison to performing a moderate or low-intensity workout. You can attempt a more powerful workout at your gym or even include some jogging bursts in your morning or evening walk to have the desired benefits. 

Build Muscles

The human body continues to burn calories despite whether one is performing an activity or not. These resting metabolic rates are higher in those individuals with more muscle mass because every pound of muscle in your body uses approximately six calories in one day to maintain itself. In contrast, each pound of fat burns about only two calories daily. Once you complete an intense strength training session, your body muscles are activated, leading to an increase in your metabolism. 

Green Tea

Green tea has proven to offer some collective benefits. Your metabolism will be increased for a few hours when consuming green tea due to the caffeine content and the catechins, a compound found in green tea. Researchers have shown that those who drink about two to four cups of green tea, in addition to a moderate workout, help their body burn about seventeen percent more calories.

 Spicy Foods

Food experts say that spicy foods contain some regular chemicals that tend to speed your metabolic rate into an advanced gear. When you cook food with a bit of finely cut chili peppers or chili powder, you can increase your metabolism. The result is for a very short period, but the benefits will increase if you consume spicy food regularly. For a fast increase, you can spice up your pasta or stews with chilies or some pepper flakes.  

 Sip on Some Coffee

If you drink coffee regularly, you will perhaps savor the benefits of high concentration and energy. There are many coffee benefits. One of the benefits is boosting your metabolism. Consuming caffeine keeps you energetic, zealous, and also increases the endurance of your body while exercising.  


A surprising fact is that if you eat more, you can lose some weight. When you have larger meals with a gap of several hours, your metabolism tends to slow down between every meal. Eating a small snack every three to four hours might keep the rate of your metabolism quite high and helps in burning more calories in a day. Studies have shown that people who eat snacks regularly eat less during their meals. 

Energy Drinks

There are some ingredients in various energy drinks that boost your metabolic rate. Some of these energy drinks are full of caffeine, which tends to increase the amount of energy your body may use. They also contain a type of amino acid called Taurine. Taurine can help speed up your metabolic rate, which will result in the burning of more fat. But these drinks can also cause problems like high blood pressure, anxiety, and even sleep issues in some cases. The American Academy of Pediatrics has strictly refused energy drinks to be consumed by any kids or teens. 

Avoid Crash Diets

Crash diets that involve eating calories less than 1,200 for women and about 1,800 for men every day can negatively affect your metabolism in the long run. However, these diets do tend to drop a few pounds, which comes with consuming good nutrition. If the diet backfires and you lose some muscle, it could slow down the metabolic rate. The final and desired result of this first is that the body gains weight quicker than other diets and starts burning a few calories.

Reducing Stress

Added stress tends to affect the human body’s hormone levels, leading the body to release cortisol more than the usual amount. Cortisol is a type of hormone that aids your body in controlling appetite. Some researchers found unusual levels of cortisol in some people experiencing eating habits disorders in the year 2011. Disordered eating habits, including diet restraint and some other certain concerns of weight, can create an unhealthful eating pattern, which can harm and disrupt your metabolism. Stress is also profoundly connected to the quality and amount of sleep, which highly influences metabolism.

Keep some of these tips in mind and add them to your routine. Be mindful of how much coffee or energy drinks you consume daily. More doesn’t always mean better. Luckily there are many different ways to boost your metabolism. Some can be quite simple to add to your everyday life. 


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